Fractions - a range of resources to suit all levels of confidence (and even some answers!)
- Adding and subtracting fractions with the same demoninator.pdf
- Colour and Label Fractions Worksheet - Higher Ability.pdf
- Colour and Label Fractions Worksheet - Lower Ability.pdf
- Colour and Label Fractions Worksheet - Middle Ability.pdf
- Dividing by 10 and 100 Activity Sheet.pdf
- Fractions and Decimals Sequences Activity Sheet.pdf
- Higher Ability Mixed.pdf
- Hundredths Activity Sheet.pdf
- Lower Ability Fifth.pdf
- Lower Ability Half.pdf
- Lower Ability Mixed.pdf
- Lower Ability Third.pdf
- Middle Ability Mixed.pdf
- Tenths Activity Sheet English.pdf
- Tenths Activity Sheet.pdf
- What Is a Fraction - answers.pdf
- What Is a Fraction.pdf