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Gorsley Goffs Primary School

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Our History curriculum aims to inspire curiosity and develop a desire to never stop wanting to find out more. Young people need a sense of history in order to understand themselves, their identity and the world around them. They need to be able to ask questions and evaluate the answers they receive – never settling for a shallow answer and pushing for a deeper explanation that will enhance their understanding of the world around them. 

History at Gorsley Goffs

Key History Documents

Recommended Reads

Local History

We are so lucky to live where we do!


You will find lots of information about the local history of Gorsley village, including personal recounts by local people, on our dedicated page here.

There are also lots of museums and places of interest to visit near by to find out more about the history of Herefordshire and the neighbouring county of Gloucestershire. Here are just a few suggestions:

Useful History Websites for Children

The BBC website has lots of links to videos, games and information about a range of historical periods for children of all ages to enjoy.

BBC Bitesize - KS1 History

BBC Bitesize - KS2 History

BBC History for Kids (this page is no longer updated but has some great information).


The National Geographic Kids website also has lots of information about a range of historical periods and figures.


The British Library timeline site contains timelines of famous people throughout history (aimed mostly at upper key stage 2) - just click on the period you are interested in.


If you are looking to support your child's learning through apps, then the History Apps website is a good place to start to find one linked to the topic your child is studying however, please be aware that most apps will cost money to download.
