English - Reading
Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. We believe that the way children are taught to read is crucial to their success in learning to read.
As a school we aim to create and maintain a stimulating environment for children to experience and explore reading with increasing confidence and enjoyment to promote lifelong reading. We strive to provide a varied library and maintain reading as a valued, high profile activity, which forms a basis for the whole of the curriculum.
English - Writing
Writing is an integral part of the curriculum. It is our belief that the way in which children are taught to write is key to their success in writing effectively. This teaching takes place in English lessons and in other areas of the curriculum, reinforcing skills already learnt. We ensure that our schools’ environment is both stimulating and inspiring for children to develop their love, enjoyment and confidence with writing. We ensure the children learn through a variety of genres and experience different styles of writing. Writing across the curriculum creates wonderful opportunities to write for a purpose. We celebrate children’s writing by using ‘Star Writer’ boards, displayed in all classrooms for all adults and children to see and through our ‘Champions’ Assemblies’.