Acorn - Reception
Our Class Teacher is Mrs. Harris.
Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs. Long (on a Monday) and
Mrs. Williams (from Tuesday through to Friday).
For "An Introduction to Acorn Class", including what a typical day in Acorn Class might look like, and what curriculum we follow, please see the information in the EYFS tab.
For an overview of what we will be learning about in Acorn Class across the whole year, please see the "Curriculum Map" below, and for more detailed termly coverage, please see the "Topic Webs".
We have kick-started our learning this year with the beautiful story "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn in which Chester the raccoon isn't overly happy about going to school! So his mummy plants a kiss in the middle of his hand and tells him that this kiss will stay with him all day long and will remind him that he is loved and thought about even when apart from his mum. Following on from this, we made our very own raccoons.
We have been learning all about Harvest - what it means and why it is celebrated. We enjoyed learning a song with Kempley Class and performed it in Gorsley Chapel at our Harvest Festival. We also each chose a food to collage with crepe and tissue paper and created beautiful baskets of fruits and vegetables.

After learning about Guy Fawkes, we had great fun creating firework pictures by dipping cardboard tubes that had been frayed at the edges into coloured paint and printing over a black piece of paper.
Remember, Remember, the Fifth of November
We were SO excited when Pudsey came to visit us this year. We got to High-5 him and have a boogie with him - what fun!!


We enjoyed hearing all about Remembrance Day and learning why we wear poppies. Our teacher was very proud of us all for joining in with the 2 minute silence at 11am on 11th November.
Dem Bones
We have had great fun learning about the inside of our bodies and loved making skeleton pictures out of white straws.