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Gorsley Goffs Primary School

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Larks HSC Outreach Carol Service

It has been an absolute pleasure to hear LARKS singing again this half term after such a long break. It has been strange not to have all the children together at the same time but I think we’d have to extend the hall if we did as we have a record number of 70 Larks this term. Our main focus has been  on the pieces ‘Jesus Christ the Apple Tree’ and’ Candlelight Carol’ that were recorded two weeks ago to be combined with other choirs as part of the Hereford Cathedral School outreach Carol Service.


You can find contribution from our Year 5 and 6 children here:


We also recorded Years 3 and 4 in school:

We were also given a recording of our contributions that were recorded which you will soon be able to find on our school website...

The children have worked really hard and shown great commitment despite only 6 choir sessions this term (only four before we were recorded!) They deserve a well- earned rest and a very happy Christmas.  I look forward to us singing together more in the new year.


Mrs Abbott
