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Gorsley Goffs Primary School

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Spring 1 - Crime and Punishment

DT πŸ› οΈ - We began the term by completing our DT projects using boxes we'd collected over the Christmas period as the frames for our moving cam toys. We all met the design brief; to create an educational toy that shows how a planet rotates on it's axis using a cam mechanism. Not as easy as it seems, we had to use mathematical calculations to ensure that our cams lined up. Well done Rudhall!

Rudhall Class Assembly - We worked extremely hard in the first week back to put together an assembly to share our learning from last half term's topic 'To infinity and beyond!'. Thank you to everyone who came along to celebrate the children's learning, they all did an amazing job!

History πŸ“œ - We explored crime and punishment in Roman Britain, recapping how the Romans invaded England and Wales. We learnt some of the most common crimes of the time and the punishments citizens could face. We then used clay to create our own curse tablets.

Safer Internet Day πŸ’» - Rudhall class took part in Safer Internet Day this week and we focused on how the internet can be a positive and negative influence. We all agreed that it was far beneficial to have a positive influence on others and so created our own influencer profiles. We took part in lots of discussions over the course of the day which helped us to remind ourselves of all the ways we can keep ourselves safe whilst using the internet. Please visit for more information.

Clamberstack πŸ› - Rudhall were excited to have their turn on the newly installed Clamberstack. We were all quite brave - it is higher than it looks! It was fun to explore the new equipment and we are really looking forward to being able to play on this in the coming weeks!

Mummified Tomatoes πŸ… - After storing our tomatoes in a dark tomb (Miss Baugh's resource cupboard) for the required amount of time, we were finally able to check on them and find out whether the process worked. We were shocked to find that the control tomato which had no natron salt surrounding it was very decomposed whilst our mummified ones had become dehydrated and still looked pretty tomato-like! Some of us were brave and even had a whiff!
